Requesting access to another account

You may need to access different Afosto accounts, for instance, marketing teams may often access multiple customer accounts for desired processing or management, given the nature of the task. Requesting access to another account from within your Afosto dashboard is pretty straightforward as explained below. 

Accessing-request submission option

All you need to do is to click on your profile icon in the top right corner, and from the dropdown, click the first option with double arrows. 

Request access menu option

On the Switch between organizations, click the Request Access button. 

Clicking Request Access button

Entering email id 

Next, you need to enter the correct and valid email ID in the Request Access popup and click the Request Access button again. 

Entering email id for submitting access request

Once you submit the access request successfully, the “access waiting for approval” message will be displayed on the screen. You can either click the Continue button to switch to another organization, or you can click outside the popup to continue with your other tasks/activities on the dashboard. 

Request submission message


1. Duplicate or conflicting request 

If you submit more than one request to access a particular account, you will be prompted with an error message

Duplicate or conflicting request error

2. Requested entity could not be found

If you are requesting access to such an account that does not exist, then the system will generate an error. So, you need to make sure that you are entering a valid and correct email address in the field.


Account not found error