Explained: Data grids in Afosto

A datagrid is an essential feature of our SaaS platform, designed to visually display and organise structured data into rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet. Datagrids provide powerful tools for sorting, filtering, column selection and creating custom views, allowing you to efficiently navigate and manage large amounts of data.

Key Datagrid features:

  1. Sorting: Easily organise data in the datagrid based on specific columns, in ascending or descending order. Sorting helps you quickly find essential information and identify patterns or trends in your data.
  2. Filtering: Refine the data displayed in the datagrid by applying specific criteria to one or more columns. Filtering allows you to focus on the most relevant information, streamlining your tasks and decision-making.
  3. Select and rearrange columns: Customise the datagrid by selecting the columns you need and rearranging their order to prioritise relevant information and optimise the layout for your specific tasks.
  4. Custom views: Save and switch between different sets of columns, filters and sorting options tailored to your tasks or preferences. Custom views allow you to work more efficiently with large data sets and easily share data with your team members.

Data grids in our platform are used to organise and manage different types of data, such as:

  • Orders: Manage and track customer orders effortlessly, including order status, payment and shipping details.
  • Shopping carts: Monitor active shopping carts to analyse customer behaviour, such as abandoned carts and items in the cart.
  • Shipments: Monitor shipping information, such as shipping status, tracking numbers and carrier details.
  • Packages: Track parcel information, such as parcel contents, dimensions and weight.
  • Invoices: Manage invoice information, such as invoice numbers, amounts and payment statuses.
  • Receipt lists: Manage lists of goods received, such as item numbers, supplier information and delivery dates.
  • Order allocations: Monitor the allocation of ordered items to available stock, ensuring efficient order processing and inventory management.
  • By using the powerful features of our data grids, you can gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions to optimise your business drive and improve overall efficiency.

Some additional benefits of using data guides on our SaaS platform are:

  • User-friendliness: Our data guides are intuitive and user-friendly, giving you quick and easy access to the information you need, without extensive technical knowledge.
  • Flexibility: Customise the data guides to your specific needs and preferences, with the ability to add, remove or rearrange columns, allowing you to focus on the information that is most important to you.
  • Save time: The sorting, filtering and viewing features of our data guides save you time searching and analysing data, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Create and share custom views with your team members to improve communication and collaboration and ensure everyone has access to the same relevant information.
  • Scalability: Our data grids are designed to grow with your business, so you can easily manage and extract insights from large amounts of data, regardless of the size of your business or the complexity of your data.

In conclusion, data guides on our SaaS platform are a powerful tool for organising, managing and analysing business data. By leveraging the advanced features and flexibility of our data grids, you will be better equipped to make data-driven decisions, improve efficiency and grow your business.