Afosto shipping label provider

The Afosto shipping label provider app allows you to retrieve labels for the shipping method 'Pick up at location', aiming to automate the check-in and check-out process of packages to be picked up. You can add the app in two ways:

  1. At Shipments > Shipping methods > Column Provider via: Link.
  2. At My organization > Apps > Afosto shipping label provider via: Add.

Add new integration

After arriving at the connection of the Afosto shipping label provider via one of the above options, you must follow the steps below:

  1. Click in the 'Link App' step on: Add provider.
  2. The provider is added and you are now redirected to the next step: Set up App.
  3. Provide a reference so that you can easily find the integration later.
  4. Add the address you use to send from.
  5. Sort the shipping methods so you can select your most used shipping methods faster and easier.
  6. After setting up, press: Save.
  7. Your Afosto shipping label provider integration is now ready for use.