What is an order in Afosto?

In Afosto, an order is a purchase that your customer wants to make or has already made. These orders can come from various channels, such as your own webshop or a marketplace like Bol.com. You can find orders in Afosto in the menu on the left under the 'Sales' section.

Where to find orders in Afosto | Documentation

How does an Order proceed?

An order goes through three important phases, namely: Draft, Open, and Closed.

Order statuses

You can find the status of an order in the overviews and on the order detail page.

The order detail page in Afosto


In Afosto, a 'draft' order means that the order is in the 'DRAFT' phase. A 'draft' order is still in its initial phase and is not yet final or ready to be processed. It is a preliminary version of the order that is being prepared but has not yet been confirmed or fully processed.


There are two ways an order can go to the 'OPEN' state:

Orders move to the 'Open' status after receiving the correct payment, or are set to 'OPEN' via the interface or a link. This ensures that orders move from the draft phase to the active processing phase. You can start processing them once the status is open.


An order moves to the 'CLOSED' state when all known tasks related to the order have been completed. This generally includes the order being paid, fulfilled, and (if necessary) invoiced. Once these tasks are completed, the order is automatically set to 'CLOSED'. A 'CLOSED' order can return to the 'OPEN' state if new tasks or events arise that require further actions or attention regarding the order. For example, if a previously fulfilled item is returned by the customer or goes missing, the order may need to be reopened to handle this. In such cases, the order is again marked as 'OPEN' to undertake the necessary actions.

This process ensures that a 'CLOSED' order can be reopened if new tasks or events arise that require action or change. By returning the order to the 'OPEN' state, the status of the order and the associated tasks can be updated and managed.

What are Order items?

Every product the customer wants to purchase is an order item. Each order item has its own information, such as a unique ID and SKU (the item number), the price, and the status (which can also be: Draft, Open, or Closed). This means each product follows its own path, independent of the other products in the order.

There are also various status indicators that show where a product is in the process. For instance, 'is_picked' indicates that you have picked the product from your inventory to ship it, and 'is_invoiced' indicates that you have created an invoice for the product.

It is important to remember that each order item on an order can follow its own path. On the order detail page, we show the three main statuses of an order item in the product overview on the right. These are:

  • In stock
  • Shipped
  • Invoiced

If the dot is red next to any of these values, then this specific action has not yet occurred for an order.

The status of an order

In the following order, the products have not yet been shipped and not invoiced. This is indicated by the red dots. Also, note the order status, which in this case is still 'Open'.

The substatus of an order

In this order, the items are in stock, shipped, and invoiced. The order status for this order is 'Closed'.


Order Items in detail

In Afosto, the products your customer wants to purchase are called 'order items'. Each product in an order is a separate order item. Each order item has its own data and follows its own process.


Each order item has different 'parameters'. These are simply pieces of information about the product. Here are some key parameters:

  • ID and SKU: Each order item has a unique ID and a unique SKU. An SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, is a specific code that helps to identify the product. You can think of it as the unique name of the product.
  • Status: Just like an order, an order item has a status. This status can be 'Concept', 'Open', or 'Closed' and indicates where the product is in the sales process.
  • Identifiers: These are specific details about the product, such as its color, size, brand, etc.
  • Position: The position shows where the product is located in your warehouse. This helps with organizing your inventory.
  • Options: You can choose between two options for your order items, 'ALLOCATE' and 'FULFIL'. If you choose 'ALLOCATE', Afosto ensures the product is in stock. If you choose 'FULFIL', Afosto will assist in the product's shipment.
  • Price: Here you can see how much the product costs. This can be the base price, but also any taxes, discounts, and the final price the customer needs to pay.
  • Delivery Type: This shows how the product gets to the customer. 'SHIP' means the product is shipped, 'COLLECT' means the customer collects the product from you.
  • Delivery Method: Here you can specify which delivery service you use to ship the product.
  • Expected On: This is the date the customer expects to receive the product.
  • Purchase Price: This is the price you paid for the product yourself. This helps you see how much profit you are making.
  • Commission: If you sell the product via a third party, you can enter the commission you need to pay here.
  • Adjustments: If you want to manually adjust the product's price, for example for a discount, you do that here.
  • Meta_data: Here you can add extra information about the product that doesn't fit into the other categories.

Status Indicators

A status indicator shows where a product is in the sales process. Here are some important status indicators:

  • "Available" or "Not Available"
  • "Expected in Stock" or "Not Expected in Stock"
  • "Lost" or "Not Lost"
  • "On Pick List" or "Not on Pick List"
  • "Packed for Shipment" or "Not Packed for Shipment"
  • "Shipping Label Applied" or "No Shipping Label Applied"
  • "Costs Paid" or "Costs Not Paid"
  • "Approved for Shipment" or "Not Approved for Shipment"
  • "Released for Shipment" or "Not Released for Shipment"
  • "Picked from Warehouse" or "Not Picked from Warehouse"
  • "Sorted for shipping" or "Not sorted for shipping"
  • "Handed over to delivery service" or "Not handed over to delivery service"
  • "Item canceled" or "Item not canceled"
  • "Returned by customer" or "Not returned by customer"
  • "Invoiced" or "Not invoiced"

In Afosto, these statuses are automatically updated based on the process you choose for your order items.

Understand that if you choose an option like 'ALLOCATE', 'COVER' or 'INVOICE', Afosto takes responsibility for managing the respective status. For example, with the 'ALLOCATE' option, the status 'Available' is managed by Afosto, with 'COVER' it is 'Costs paid', and with 'INVOICE' it is 'Invoiced'.

This way you can easily track and manage the progress of each product in every order.

I hope this helps to understand the complexity of order items in Afosto better! If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.