Apps 4.0 - Spooler - Printers (EN)

This list displays all printers within the account. A printer can be accessed by clicking on its line. For the printer to function properly, it must have network functionality (wifi or ethernet).




Name: The name of the printer

Hub: The hub to which the printer is connected

Type of encoding:

  • ESCPOS: Receipts (receipt printer)
  • ZPL: Label Printer
  • PCL: ‘Normal’ a4 printer

Type of connection:

  • Ethernet: Network connection (wireless or wired)
  • Usb: Connection via usb (only possible for receipt printers)

Scan hub network:

  • This button scans the hub network for all available devices (including printers).


  • After the network scan is complete, the appropriate printer can be selected from the list.

Other options

Test Connection: You can test the connection of the printer using this button. When the printer is connected to the network, a test printout will be printed on the printer.

Remove: This will remove the printer from the network.

Add a printer

To add a printer you need to click on ‘Add printer’. Then follow the steps described under settings above.