July 28, 2024

6 min. read

Klaviyo Integration: E-commerce Email Marketing with Afosto & Klaviyo

By Sander Kah

Introduction to the Klaviyo and Afosto Partnership

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, utilizing advanced marketing tools is crucial to stay ahead of the competition. At Afosto, we have partnered with Klaviyo, a leading email marketing solution, to help retailers optimize their marketing strategies. This partnership enables us to provide powerful automation capabilities that enhance customer engagement and drive revenue.

Why Klaviyo is a Leading Email Marketing Solution

Klaviyo is renowned as one of the best email marketing solutions for e-commerce. The platform offers extensive features such as advanced automation, segmentation, and integrations essential for the success of modern online stores. With the robust Klaviyo API, users can achieve precise and timely customer communication. Additionally, the Klaviyo academy offers valuable educational resources to help users get the most out of the platform.

The Cost and Benefits of Using Klaviyo

While Klaviyo's costs can be significant, the advanced features and ability to run precise campaigns offer an excellent Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). Klaviyo pricing is transparent and scalable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes. In the Netherlands, Klaviyo has become a favorite choice for many e-commerce companies due to its proven effectiveness and user-friendliness.

How the Afosto-Klaviyo Integration Works

Our integration with Klaviyo consists of three main components that together enable seamless and effective marketing automation.

Integration Through the Klaviyo API

The core of our integration is the connection with the Klaviyo API (what is an API?). This allows us to track all events that occur in the Afosto checkout from the moment a customer adds a product to the cart. This data, including product information, categories, and prices, is sent directly to Klaviyo. This enables users to create advanced flows, such as abandoned cart email Klaviyo, and personalized product recommendations.

Server-Side Events and Checkout Tracking

Our server-side events ensure accurate tracking of customer behavior during the checkout process. This allows companies to send targeted emails based on specific actions customers have taken, such as starting the checkout or leaving their cart without completing the purchase.

Using Pixels for Frontend Tracking

In addition to server-side events, we also use a pixel placed on the customer's website frontend. This pixel tracks visitor behavior, even if they do not add products to their cart. This enables the creation of browse abandonment flows and the execution of targeted marketing campaigns.

Key Features of the Integration

Product Feed Synchronization

With our integration, companies can send their product feed from the Afosto PIM to Klaviyo. This gives them access to up-to-date product information, including stock levels (Klaviyo stock reminders), images, and categories, which is essential for targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

Enhanced Customer Data Management

Our integration ensures that all customer data is seamlessly synchronized between Afosto and Klaviyo. This allows companies to build detailed customer profiles and perform targeted segmentation for their marketing campaigns.

Implementing Effective Abandoned Cart Email Strategies

Through the integration, companies can easily set up abandoned cart email Klaviyo strategies, which help recover potential customers who did not complete their purchase. This strategy has proven to be very effective in increasing conversion rates and driving revenue.

Case Study: Successful Integration with Onderdelenhuis.nl

How Onderdelenhuis.nl Utilized the Afosto-Klaviyo Integration

Onderdelenhuis.nl successfully used our Afosto-Klaviyo integration to optimize their email marketing. They implemented various flows, including cart abandonment, browse abandonment, upselling different products, and after-sales communication.

Results and Benefits Observed by Onderdelenhuis.nl

Thanks to the integration, Onderdelenhuis.nl saw a significant improvement in their marketing performance. They achieved a ROAS of approximately 10 and saw month-on-month growth of more than 30% in revenue from email marketing.

Edwin Bakker, the owner of Onderdelenhuis.nl, stated:

"Thanks to the seamless integration between Afosto and Klaviyo, we have been able to elevate our marketing efforts. The accurate tracking and extensive automation capabilities have helped us run targeted and effective campaigns."

Getting Started with Afosto and Klaviyo

Steps to Set Up the Integration

Setting up the Afosto-Klaviyo integration is simple and straightforward. Customers can register for a free Afosto account and consult our documentation page for step-by-step instructions.

Resources Available for Support

Afosto provides comprehensive support to help customers implement the integration. Our team of experts is ready to assist with technical questions and optimize marketing strategies.

Leveraging Klaviyo Academy for Advanced Learning

To get the most out of Klaviyo, we recommend customers use the Klaviyo academy. Here they will find valuable courses and resources to further develop their email marketing knowledge and skills.


Why Choose Afosto for Your Klaviyo Integration

Afosto offers a robust and flexible solution for companies looking to optimize their email marketing with Klaviyo. Our integration uses advanced tracking and automation capabilities to enable targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

Next Steps to Enhance Your E-commerce Marketing

To get started, we invite you to register for a free Afosto account and check out our documentation page. Contact us for more information and discover how Afosto can help elevate your e-commerce marketing.

Start scaling your e-commerce

Sign up for Afosto for free and get a glimpse of the possibilities to scale your e-commerce business.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Afosto and Klaviyo Integration

Klaviyo is a leading email marketing solution that offers extensive automation and segmentation capabilities, allowing businesses to run targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

The integration works through the Klaviyo API and includes server-side events and frontend pixels to accurately track and synchronize customer behavior with Klaviyo.

Klaviyo pricing is transparent and scalable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.

The integration offers benefits such as accurate tracking, advanced automation, and the ability to run targeted marketing campaigns, leading to higher conversion rates and revenue.

You can start by registering for a free Afosto account and consulting our documentation page for step-by-step instructions.

Afosto provides comprehensive support and resources to help customers implement and optimize the integration.

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Written by
Sander Kah

I'm Sander, a SaaS entrepreneur with over 5 years of experience in co-owning and growing a software company, Afosto, that helps retailers succeed using smart and scalable software solutions. I'm also the co-founder of Sanwin Beachwear, an exclusive beachwear brand for men, and a pilot, flying Boeing 737 aircrafts across Europe and beyond. I'm passionate about creating value for my clients, partners, and customers, and seeing them achieve their business goals and reach new heights. When I'm not in the cockpit or the boardroom, I love to explore the world, kitesurf, and camp in my van. I'm always open to connect and exchange ideas with like-minded people, so feel free to reach out to me.

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