December 26, 2021

9 min. read

How to write perfect meta titles & descriptions for SEO

By Sander Kah

How to write the best meta title and description

Crafting perfect meta titles and descriptions is crucial for improving your website's SEO and click-through rates (CTR). In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about creating effective meta titles and descriptions, with practical tips and examples to help you rank higher and attract more clicks.

What are SEO titles and descriptions?

What are SEO titles

 In the image above, you can see the meta title and description of Afosto. The meta title is the title of the page that is displayed in the search results. The meta description is the (short) description of that same page. Search engines use this title and description, among other things, to determine for which keywords they should display your page. You can see it as a kind of advertisement for your page.

What are SEO Titles?

An SEO title, also known as a title tag, is an HTML element that specifies the title of a web page. Meta titles are displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs) as the clickable headline for a given result and are crucial for both SEO and user experience.

What are SEO Descriptions?

An SEO description, or meta description, is a brief summary of a web page. It appears under the meta title in search engine results. Although it does not directly affect search engine rankings, it influences CTR by providing users with a relevant and compelling preview of the content.

How do you write a good Meta Title?

A good meta title is essential for better ranking. Below is a list of some guidelines for better meta titles:

  1. 50-60 characters: Ensure your meta title is within this range to be fully visible in search results. (use this tool to check how long your meta title is)
  2. Write for people, not search engines: Focus on creating titles that appeal to readers.
  3. Unique Titles for Each Page: Avoid duplicate titles across your site.
  4. Descriptive and Concise: Clearly describe the page content.
  5. Include Primary Keywords: Place your main keyword at the beginning.
  6. Add Emotion and Curiosity: Use emotional triggers and curiosity to attract clicks.Use the right keywords
  7. Use Brackets and Numbers: Adding elements like [brackets] and numbers can make your title stand out.


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Steps to Create a Perfect Meta Title

Step 1. Choose one PRIMARY keyword to focus on.

The primary keyword you focus on is the subject that is most important for the page to be found. Because the search engines are getting smarter we use the subject, because if you write a good page you will not only gather traffic for that one keyword but also for e.g. synonyms of the same word.

With free tools like Google Keyword Planner and Google Trends you can see how often a particular word is searched for.

If you want to do even more extensive research then you can look at paid tools like Semrush and Ahrefs

Step 2. Find LONG-TAIL variations of your primary keyword.

In addition to the primary keyword for the page, it usually makes sense to focus on one or two long-tail keywords.

Why? Because it can take a long time to rank for your main keyword if it is a competitive one. What gets results much sooner are long-tail keywords.

The great thing is that these longer variants can often be included well in your title tag giving your meta title a natural look.


  • Primary keyword: "seo tips" (3,800 searches/month);
  • Long-tail variations: "seo tips for beginners" (100 searches/month); "small business seo tips" (70 searches/month)

*these estimate searches are based on results from a Semrush keyword research with target country The Netherlands

Step 3. Create your BASIC Meta Title

Ensure the title is descriptive, concise, and includes the primary keyword and, if possible, the long-tail variations.

Step 4. Highlight Unique Selling Points (USPs)

The moment people type something into Google they are looking for something.

People tend to look for certain "USPs" (unique selling points) in search results - The exact USPs they are looking for will depend on the nature of the search.

If you have created your page/post around a specific search query/topic, it is likely that there is already overlap between the "USPs" that your page content contains and the USPs that people want to see.

All you have to do then is add these usp's to your meta title.

Here are five examples of types of "USPs" that people value (and how you can make them clear in your meta title):

Depth / Thoroughness

People like thorough, in-depth sources of information. That's probably why there is a clear correlation between content length and ranking in search engine results. If your source is more thorough than other search results, don't hide that. Entice the click by adding words/phrases like these to your title tag: "ultimate", "complete", "definitive", "study", "step-by-step", etc.

Lists / Quantities

People love lists. We recommend that you always put a number in your title tag for posts that look like a list. For example: The top 5 tips, the 10 best ... and the number 1 ...

Speed / Conciseness

No one wants to read endless articles and spend a lot of time learning or accomplishing something. If your content is concise and to the point, this is also a USP. "Sell" the content with words/phrases like these in your title tag: "quick," "easy," " X minutes," "today," "now," etc.

For product pages, try things like, "free shipping" or "next day delivery" (if you can make this true, of course).


Some searches (e.g., "SEO tips 2018") call for fresh results. No one will click on a result from 2012 for such searches. To communicate timeliness, add words and phrases like these to your title tag: " 20XX", "last updated Jan. 18", etc.


People are more likely to click on a search result from a brand they know and trust. So, if you're somewhat well-known in your industry, add your brand name to your title tag.

How do you write a good Meta Description?

What is the purpose of a meta description?

The main purpose of a page's meta description is to get visitors to SERPs (search engine pages) and social media to click on the link to your page. In essence, it attracts users and generates traffic to your page!

In this sense, you can think of the meta description as a "mini-advertisement" for your page, providing a preview of the page's content. Because there are so many results from a Google search, the meta description is your small (but valuable!) real estate space to succinctly explain what the page offers - in other words, if you do it right, it makes your ad stand out.

Why is the meta description important?

The meta description, if well written, helps to improve the click-through rate (CTR) to your website from the search engine pages (SERP). Google says that the meta description does not lead to direct page rank benefits, but there is an indirect benefit, a well-written meta description does lead to a higher CTR and Google does use this metric to determine the position of a page.

Users will click on content that appeals to them and answers their question, so make sure you write your meta description with the user in mind. Searchers will appreciate good content, you just need to entice them to go there first. You do that with a good, clear and enticing meta description.

The following outlines how to write a good meta description and then increase your organic search CTR.

How to Write Meta Descriptions for SEO

Now that you know what a meta description is and why it's important to your site and content, let's talk about how to write one.

A good meta description prioritizes the user experience and has the following three characteristics:

  1. Answer Key Questions: "What is the page about?" and "Why is the page the best choice for my search?
  2. Include Primary Keywords: Use your main keywords naturally within the description.
  3. Explain Benefits: Highlight the benefits of visiting the page.

To write a good meta description and ensure a higher CTR, stick to these things: Put the most important information first

Each meta description should quickly communicate the topic - and benefit - of the page. If the web page is for a specific product, brand or topic put those terms and keywords at the beginning.

Make your meta description conversational

Write for people, not search engines or algorithms. Natural language communicates better.

Place all content in terms of the benefits to the user Edit your meta descriptions several times. On a second or even third time, you'll often see better ways to put more benefits, details, and value into the available space. Also, don't be afraid to go back and update your meta descriptions from existing pages.

Guidelines for writing meta descriptions

  1. Length: Keep it under 160 characters for desktop and 120 characters for mobile.
  2. Use CTAs: Encourage clicks with calls to action like "Learn more," "Discover," "Try now."
  3. Make It Specific and Relevant: Ensure each description is unique and relevant to the content.
  4. Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Use keywords naturally without repetition.
  5. Create Value: Offer a solution or benefit to the reader.


  • "Learn how to write effective meta titles and descriptions that boost your SEO and increase click-through rates. Follow our expert tips and examples."

Write this way and meta descriptions become a more than important ranking factor for your pages. It makes clicking on your blog post, product or web page the only practical action. Hello, high CTR!

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Duplicate Descriptions: Ensure each page has a unique description.
  • Keyword Stuffing: Avoid overusing keywords.
  • Irrelevant Content: Do not mislead users with irrelevant information.

Missing or unoptimized meta descriptions are one of the most common technical SEO problems.

Examples of good meta descriptions

Below are some examples of good Meta descriptions and why they are good.

  1. Youtube:
    "Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube."
    Why is it good?
    This meta description is written for the end user. It is informative and communicates the idea of fun and community while in a short and powerful way.
  2. Airbnb:
    "Find vacation rentals, cabins, beach houses, unique homes and experiences around the world - all made possible by hosts on Airbnb."
    Why is it good?
    It directly compares the brand to "experiences." It also contains action-oriented verbs, which attract clicks.
  3. LEGO:
    "Explore the world of LEGO® through games, videos, products and more! Shop awesome LEGO® building toys and brick sets and find the perfect gift for your kid."
    Why is it good?
    Again, we see a well-written mini-advertisement with actionable verbs and good keywords.

Wrappin it up

The meta titles and description are a small but powerful aspect of search engine optimization - it's the chance to beat your competitors with it. Too many companies leave this out and in turn miss a crucial opportunity to improve CTR.

Make sure you create an engaging meta description for your pages that convinces end users to click on you instead of your competitors. SEO is ultimately about creating the most positive search experience for visitors, not chasing Google's algorithm.

Create Engaging Meta Titles and Descriptions with Afosto

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The ideal length for a meta title is between 50-60 characters. This ensures the title is fully visible in search engine results and effectively communicates the page's content.

Regularly review and update your meta descriptions to reflect changes in content and SEO trends. Aim to update them at least once a year or whenever you make significant content changes.

While meta descriptions do not directly influence search rankings, they significantly impact click-through rates (CTR). A higher CTR can indirectly improve your rankings by signaling to search engines that your page is relevant and valuable.

Tools like SEOmofo's Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool and Yoast SEO for WordPress can help you check and optimize the length of your meta titles and descriptions.

Including your brand name in the meta title can be beneficial, especially if your brand is well-known and trusted in your industry. It can increase brand recognition and click-through rates.

Written by
Sander Kah

I'm Sander, a SaaS entrepreneur with over 5 years of experience in co-owning and growing a software company, Afosto, that helps retailers succeed using smart and scalable software solutions. I'm also the co-founder of Sanwin Beachwear, an exclusive beachwear brand for men, and a pilot, flying Boeing 737 aircrafts across Europe and beyond. I'm passionate about creating value for my clients, partners, and customers, and seeing them achieve their business goals and reach new heights. When I'm not in the cockpit or the boardroom, I love to explore the world, kitesurf, and camp in my van. I'm always open to connect and exchange ideas with like-minded people, so feel free to reach out to me.

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